Proof There Is No God (Wink, Nudge) Christianity is a fighting religion. - Mere Christianity , C.S. Lewis, page 45 1. You can't prove, to the satisfaction of atheists, that God exists. Therefore, there is no God. 2. Christians often sin. Therefore, there is no God. 3. There are many religions, and atheists only believe in one less than you. Therefore, there is no God. See how easy this is! Many atheists show themselves to be angry, hateful, condescending and intolerant, characteristics which are anti-science and unintelligent. They repeat the hateful bitterness of Richard Dawkins and other atheists as if this will convince believers to abandon their beliefs and accept atheism. The ultimate argument made by atheists is an infinite regression, which is utterly and demonstrably irrational. Atheists demand, "Who made God?" Professor John Lennox of Oxford has given the perfect answer: "If anyone made God then H...