Athanasius Kircher, (1602-1680) a devout Christian astronomer and polymath, constructed a complex working model of the solar system showing the Sun and the planets circling around it. One day he invited his atheist friend into his study to see this model. His friend was intrigued by the model’s incredible complexity. He exclaimed : “How beautiful it is! Who made it?“ Kircher responded: “No one made it. It made itself! “ The atheist stared at him in disbelief: “That‘s absurd! You don’t expect me to believe that! Do you?“ Kircher answered: “No. I don‘t. But what’s even more absurd is that‘s what you believe about the real solar system, which is vastly more complex than this simple model.“ _______________________________________ The Anthropic Principle Originally the Anthropic Principle was outlined in a scholarly paper describing the extraordinary fine-tuning of physical constants, such as the gravitational constant, the strong nuclear constant, w...